Everything About Anakin Skywalker Lightsabers

Lightsabers are created based on traditions that have evolved over time. Each lightsaber user, whether Jedi or Sith, designs a unique lightsaber to match their fighting style. The expansion of the Star Wars universe allowed for writing a comprehensive history detailing several events and the invention of the lightsaber.

Without a doubt, pop culture has developed a passionate fan base for the lightsabers from Star Wars. The unusual hilt design, blade color, and technical aspects of Anakin Skywalker’s lightsaber have contributed to its immense appeal. Like his persistent, alluring, bold, and assertive demeanor, Anakin Skywalker’s lightsabers are essential to who he is.

Several people use Anakin Skywalker’s lightsaber, an iconic piece of the Star Wars universe, throughout the narrative. Anakin Skywalker created his famous lightsaber at the start of the Clone Wars. He used the design of his previous weapon, which was destroyed in a droid factory on Geonosis.

The lightsaber‘s recognizable blue blade originates from the Kyber crystal, which became blue after combining with Anakin. During the Clone Wars, Anakin defeated several Separatist droids and engaged in combat with dark-side practitioners with his new lightsaber.

Anakin used Count Dooku’s weapon to defeat him in their last battle, pushing Count Dooku further towards the dark side. 

Anakin Skywalker: Fictional Star Wars Character

Anakin Skywalker was a well-known force-sensitive person entrusted with bringing the Force back into balance. He was the predestined Chosen One of the Jedi Order, a Jedi Knight with ties to the Galactic Republic. Anakin Skywalker created his alter ego, Darth Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith, by embracing the dark side of the Force.

Qui-Gon Jinn, a Jedi master, saw the Skywalker’s immense potential and believed that the Force had created him because of his fast reflexes. He was quite skilled at using the Force to know about him. Skywalker was a skilled telekinetic. He performed better than any of his peers and most of the more seasoned Padawans at it.

Anakin Skywalker, despite his talent and belief in his abilities, initially neglected his lightsaber training, thinking he could rival Jedi Masters. As a Jedi, he preferred lightsaber fights above Force mastery and focused more on developing his physical skills. Skywalker’s haughtiness intensified once he turned to the evil side, and for a little while, he believed he was more substantial than all of Palpatine. He became a violent, ruthless individual who would sometimes murder his subordinates as payback for their errors.

Anakin Skywalker was the most powerful Sith and Jedi in the galaxy’s history. Ben Solo, Anakin Skywalker’s grandson, was raised with a strong Force heritage unique to the Skywalker family. Ben Solo’s death ended the Skywalker lineage, even if Rey rejected her true lineage and took on their last name in their honor. 

Anakin Skywalker’s First Lightsaber

The first lightsaber that Anakin Skywalker made and owned is referred to as his original lightsaber. It had a blue plasma blade, deep ridged grip, and weighty controls. A mechanical cutting arm broke Anakin Skywalker’s first lightsaber in the droid factory on Geonosis.

The First Battle of Geonosis marked the start of the Clone Wars shortly after. AA new lightsaber was made for Anakin Skywalker before the Battle of Christophsis. 

Quick specifications Anakin Skywalker’s first lightsaber


Anakin Skywalker made his first lightsaber in 29 BBY after losing his first one in the Ilum Crystal Caves. He was confused during the challenge, but still managed to create a new weapon. Skywalker utilized it for seven years until it was destroyed before the Clone Wars.

Anakin Skywalker made a strong lightsaber hilt that focused on power, not copying his master’s design, as was usual. His dual-phase lightsaber had a sturdy body, an extended handgrip, adjustable knobs at the front, a beveled emitter shroud, and an activator that was similar to a throttle. In addition to the blue color crystal, it employed a focusing crystal and a datum cell for power. His second lightsaber had the same basic design as the first one but had a redesigned midsection and shroud. 


Before 29 BBY, the padawan Anakin Skywalker visited Ilum and forged his first blue-bladed lightsaber there. Anakin Skywalker put his lightsaber together before leaving for Ilum in 29 BBY.

He did this after choosing three crystals from the Crystal Caves that “seemed to call to him.” He saw a scary vision of a slaver chasing his mother. Then, Darth Maul appeared. He attacked him and dropped the crystals.

In the Marvel comic book Star Wars: Obi-Wan and Anakin, Anakin Skywalker was seen wielding his first lightsaber at twelve. In “Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know,” it says that he made the lightsaber on Ilum at age fourteen. He was only fourteen years old when he created the lightsaber. He made the lightsaber when he was just fourteen on Ilum. 

Early Training Of Anakin Skywalker

Before 29 BBY, the padawan Anakin Skywalker visited Ilum and forged his first blue-bladed lightsaber there. Anakin Skywalker would make his first blue-bladed lightsaber, but first, he had to return to Coruscant to train with them. During a particular training session, Anakin Skywalker transformed the appearance of a Jedi training droid to resemble Darth Maul, complete with his double-bladed weapon. Skywalker defeated the robot using all his powers by slicing it in two with his blue-bladed lightsaber. 

Usage Of Anakin Skywalker’s First Lightsaber

(Major Feats)

Anakin Skywalker Against Krayn

Skywalker used the lightsaber for the first time. He was with Obi-Wan Kenobi.

They were stopped by Krayn. Skywalker knew Krayn from his childhood on Tatooine. Following his master’s orders to spare the criminal lord, Skywalker impaled Krayn because he felt the Force was telling him to do so.

The weapon’s first “kill,” if you will, was a droid in the weapons-control tech center of the pirate ship where Skywalker decapitated and impaled Krayn. He felt a thrill of pleasure at the new lightsaber’s power for the young Jedi. 

On Radnor 

Anakin created a new weapon that helped Kenobi and many Jedi leave Radnor during a toxic leak. There was also the conflict between Ferus Olin and Skywalker. 

Against Two Kouhuns

Anakin Skywalker used his lightsaber to cut two vicious kouhuns in half as they prepared to assault the sleeping Senator. As a result, Anakin Skywalker killed the two kouhuns with his lightsaber to rescue Padmé Amidala.

Massacring Tuskens 

Skywalker was tasked with defending the Senator on her return to Naboo, where they set up camp on her remote family estate. Skywalker had visions during his life that predicted his mother’s death. Finally, Skywalker, swooping motorcycling over the desert, found the Tusken camp. He moved stealthily forward and saw his mother slicing a passage inside one of the tents with his lightsaber.

After his mother died in his arms, the distraught and enraged skywalker killed the defenseless Tuskens. Skywalker unleashed his fury, destroying the entire Tusken tribe while using his lightsaber to strike the warriors. 

Against Geonosian Workers

Skywalker and Amidala went to the factory and Skywalker killed many Geonosian workers with his lightsaber. Skywalker kept slashing through the workers until the mechanics of the line overpowered him. Though he managed to escape, a falling mechanical blade broke his lightsaber in two. When Skywalker attempted to fire his weapon, sparks began to fly from it, and he realized it was damaged.

Legacy Goes On:

Skywalker made a second lightsaber that was similar in design as a replacement.

After taking on the persona of Darth Vader, he used this as a model to create a third lightsaber. 


Star Wars: Episode II – “Attack of the Clones” from 2002 featured Anakin For the first time, Skywalker’s first lightsaber. Some notable appearances are in the following works: Star Wars: The Prequel Trilogy – A Graphic Novel, Attack of the Clones, Choose Your Destiny: An Obi-Wan & Anakin Adventure, “Untitled Obi-Wan Kenobi & Anakin Skywalker comic story” CD with Read-Along Storybook. 

Anakin Skywalker’s Second Lightsaber

Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker designed and constructed the second lightsaber, known as Anakin Skywalker’s lightsaber. It was made to replace Anakin’s first lightsaber, which was destroyed on Geonosis. Anakin used it as a skywalker during the Clone Wars and when he rebelled against the Jedi Order with Darth Sidious, the Sith Lord. 

Quick specifications of Anakin Skywalker’s second lightsaber

Lightsaber Profile Of Skywalker’s Second Lightsaber

Usage Of Anakin’s Skywalker Second Lightsaber

Anakin Skywalker Vs Asajj Ventress

Anakin Skywalker Vs Count Dooku

Anakin Skywalker Vs Hondo Ohnaka

Battle Of Cato Neimoidia And The Battle Coruscant

Darth Vader’s Weapon:

Lightsaber Fighting Form Of Anakin Skywalker

Find Anakin Skywalker Lightsaber Replica In Real World

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